About Event
Good morning and warm greetings.
Updating the knowledge and sharpening our clinical skills is very essentials for any Doctor to shine in profession. This year Ahmedabad is the centre for updating our knowledge. Ahmedabad is hosting our 39 th NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SEXOLOGY OF CSEPI / SEXCON2023.Theme – SEXUAL PROBLEMS – BEYOND PDE5 INHIBITORS, chosen is very appropriate to the present crisis. Pharmacotherapy alone will not solve or save family/sexual problems. Making the couple or partners aware of importance of mutual trust, affection and sharing and caring and adjustment are very much important for healthy and happy sexuality and family life. Our CSEPI is doing this difficult task for the last 40 years., training the health care providers and bringing awareness in society at large.
I congratulate the local organizing team headed by Dr.Paras Shah and wish the conference a great learning experience.
Dr. G. Venkata Ramana,
Chairperson - CSEPI
Organizing President‘s Message
The Council of Sex Education and Parenthood International (CSEPI) is very proud to host the 39th National Conference of Sexology in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India between 6th and 8th October 2023. We invite you to come to India's First World Heritage City Ahmedabad to experience its magnificent heritage beauty and warm hospitality. We do not doubt that the historical sites and charming landmarks of this historical city will be rewarding - offering history, sounds, and tastes that will carry you swiftly to another culture and another time along with well-planned scientific sessions. Our theme is: “Decoding Sexual Dysfunction Beyond PDE 5 Inhibitors” and we would certainly not like to leave you behind! Make plans now to attend the 39th National Conference of Sexology for Sexual Health. Event details and registration is now available. Please in this brochure.
The captivating surroundings, the hospitality, and the high-quality scientific program will make the difference between an ordinary congress and a truly memorable experience where you can learn from stalwarts in the field of sexual medicine. In this instance, there will be ample opportunity to connect with your colleagues in a beautiful and relaxing environment, while you take in all the diversity that Sexcon 2023 offers in terms of topics and attendees.
Please add the dates to your calendar for this 39th National Conference and reserve your place as soon as possible. It is going to be THE Sexual Health Event Of The Year!
Please come and enjoy our scientific feast and cultural feast of Gujarat.
Warm regards
Dr. Paras K. Shah,
Organizing President
39th National Conference of Sexology,
The 39th Conference of CSEPI will be held at Ahmedabad between 5th and 7th October under the able leadership of Dr. Paras Shah. The theme of the conference is "Decoding Sexual Dysfunction Beyond PDE 5 Inhibitors". The conference will have seven unique and vital tracks. These will enrich the knowledge of the delegates on Human Sexuality and Sexual Health.
Come and enjoy the academic and Cultural feasts at the 39th NCS and Ahmedabad. My best wishes and blessings to Dr. Paras Shah for the success of the conference.
Dr. Narayana Reddy
Chairman Emeritus - CSEPI
Immediate Past President AOFS
Attendee Types | Early bird Registration UP TO 30 Jun 2023 | Regular Registration UP TO 30 Sep 2023 | Spot Registration UP TO 8 Oct 2023 |
Non Member | INR 7000 | INR 8000 | INR 10000 |
Member | INR 6000 | INR 7000 | INR 8500 |
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Council of Sex Education and Parenthood International (CSEPI)
Hyderabad, Telangana, India