Pain Workshop

About Event

The Pain & Peripheral Nerve Blocks Workshop happening on September 14th and 15th offers a unique opportunity to enhance your knowledge in the field of pain surgery.

With a focus on “Various ‘Facets’ of Pail”, attendees will learn about a range of pain-related topics from leading experts in the field.

The event provides a combination of learning methods, including didactic lectures, symposiums, and live operative demonstrations.

Didactic lectures and symposiums will provide a theoretical understanding of the latest techniques and advancements in the field; while live operative demonstrations will allow attendees to observe the latest techniques in action.

Workshop Director Dr. Deepak Agrawal

Organizing Secretary Dr. Rajeev Sharma

Co-Organizing Secretary Dr. Dattaraj Sawarkar


Attendee Types

Early bird

UP TO 15 Jun 2023


UP TO 15 Aug 2023


UP TO 14 Sep 2023

For ISPNS Members

INR 15000

INR 16000

INR 17000

For ISPNS Members

INR 8000

INR 10000

INR 12000


  • Day 1

  • Day 2


All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi

New Delhi, Delhi, India

Venue Location
