NLBC India 2020

About Event

INDIA – A NATION AT THE CUSP OF A NATURAL BIRTHING REVOLUTION With 26 million babies being born each year in India, there is an urgent need to promote normal birth and minimize unnecessary surgical interventions. However, this is no easy task in a country with 22 official languages and a kaleidoscopic cultural diversity.

Compounding the problem is the vast disparity in the quality of healthcare available in India. Thanks to years of advocacy and relentless campaigning, the Government of India has now acknowledged the urgent need to promote normal birth and is taking steps to set up a nation-wide cadre of professional midwives. The challenges presented are unique and call for imaginative thought and persistent action.

As hosts of the 15th NLBC, we invite you to share your knowledge and participate in our journey to help women experience Positive Birth.



University of Central Lancashire

Venue Location

Hyderabad , Telangana , India
