About Event

On behalf of MPAI and organizing committiee, it is our pleasure to invite you to the the 9th Annual Conference of Molecular Pathology Association of India, MPAICON 2022 to be held from 6th & 7th August 2022 at Narayani Heights, Ahmedabad

The Theme of the conference is "Precision Medicine: Healthcare for All"

In the Past decade, Molecular Pathology has changed the way we diagnose, monitor or prognoscate disease, or guide its treatment. Moreover most biologics which are being launched now have an accompanying companion diagnosc test and much progress has been made in this domain. This has brought researchers, pathologists and clinicians closer than ever before.

However, the awareness about the pervasive nature of molecular diagnoscs and its applicaon in daily clinical pracce need to be taken to many more clinicians in India and MPAI is working in mission mode to achieve this objecve at a fast pace.

MPAI has woven a mul-disciplinary scienfic programme will showcase molecular pathology with clinical applicaons in oncology, genecs and infecous diseases.

The conference brings together a network of molecular professionals and representaves of the diagnoscs industry to educate healthcare praconers and to advance the value of molecular laboratories in providing high-quality paent care.

Looking forward to welcoming you at the Ahmedabad conference.

Thanks & Regards


Attendee Types


UP TO 30 Jun 2022


UP TO 31 Jul 2022


UP TO 1 Aug 2022

MPAI Members

INR 3500

INR 5000

INR 6000

Conference Registration + MPAI Life Membership Combo Offer

INR 4500

INR 6000

INR 7000

Non Members

INR 5500

INR 7000

INR 8000

Research Assistant / Research Associate / Research Fellow / Resident / Lab Technologists

INR 2000

INR 3000

INR 3500

Associate Delegates

INR 2500

INR 3000

INR 3500

Trade Delegates

INR 6000

INR 8000

INR 10000

Foreign Registration

Attendee Types


UP TO 30 Jun 2022


UP TO 31 Jul 2022


UP TO 1 Aug 2022

Internationale Delegates

USD 100

USD 150

USD 200

Registration is mandatory for all participants.
The registration fee includes entry to all scientific sessions, Conference meals and delegate kit bag. Spot registrations are not guaranteed of conference kit.
The category of Associate Delegate includes only spouse, children & other dependent family members, if any.
Employees of non-participating Pharma/diagnostics companies/market survey companies/Hospital groups are not permitted to register/enter conference venue.
Event/conference organizers/ advertising agencies/vendors are not permitted to register/enter conference venue during conference period..


  • Day 1

  • Day 2


Molecular Pathology Association of India (MPAI)

Venue Location

Narayani Heights , Ahmedabad , Gujarat , India , 382428
