MP Microcon 2023

About Event

Dear Friends,
MICROCON 2023” to be held at Indore, Madhya Pradesh. We are thrilled to announce that the esteemed event will be hosted by the prestigious Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College. MICROCON 2023 is set to celebrate excellence in Clinical Microbiology, and our endeavor is to make it a most memorable event. The congregation will witness the presence of renowned international and national experts, and attendees will gain valuable insight into cutting-edge developments in the field of Microbiology and infectious Diseases.


Attendee Types

Regular Registration

UP TO 28 Sep 2023

Spot Registration

UP TO 1 Oct 2023

Non IAMM member

INR 6000

INR 7000

IAMM Member

INR 5000

INR 6000

Post Graduate Students

INR 5000

INR 6000

Microcon 2023 - MP


  • Day 1

  • Day 2

  • Day 3


Indian Association of Medical Microbiologist, MP Chapter

Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Venue Location
