About Event
Greetings from the secretariat of INS-IM 2021 In the past several months lot of things have happened the most notable being COVID-19 pandemic and how it has disrupted over lives. We were scheduled to have our International Neuromodulation Society Interim Meeting in October 2020 and after careful deliberations with the INS Leadership we have moved it to November 2021. The tentative dates are from 19th to 21st November 2021. I am happy to inform that we have been able to get the confirmation from most of our faculty for the 2021 dates as well. In a way, this has provided us with a unique opportunity to put our best foot forward. I would encourage all of you to prepare and submit your papers online. Those of you have registered for the meeting, their registrations will be carried forward. During this time The Neuromodulation Society has also been strengthened and has launched the website: www.neuromodulationsociety.in and various educational activities. I look forwards to your suggestions and comments, which you can write back on @ info@ins-im2020.com.
Attendee Types | Spot UP TO 22 Oct 2020 |
Delegate | INR 15000 |
Conference + Work Shop | INR 20000 |
SAARC Delegate | INR 15000 |
Conference + Work Shop | INR 20000 |
Foreign Registration
Attendee Types | Spot UP TO 22 Oct 2020 |
Foreign Delegate | USD 475 |
Conference + Work Shop | USD 575 |
The Neuromodulation Society of India (TNS)
Venue Location
Mumbai , Maharashtra , India