Diamond Jubilee International Conference on Mental Health

About Event

Dear colleagues and friends,

16th September 1963 was the day Dr. Narendra Nath Wig joined PGIMER Chandigarh, India, as an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry in the Department of Medicine, which led to the creation of the Department of Psychiatry later in 1968. This day is celebrated as the Foundation Day of the Department of Psychiatry at PGIMER Chandigarh. On this day, we typically hold a CME and also the Institute hosts the prestigious N.N. Wig Oration. 2023 happens to be the Diamond Jubilee of the Institute, and of the Department. To commemorate this precious year we have decided to hold the Diamond Jubilee International Conference on Mental Health in PGIMER, Chandigarh, India on 14 – 16 September 2023 to commemorate this historic occasion.

Keeping in view the emerging importance of Public Mental Health (Our Department has been recently designated as a World Psychiatric Association Collaborating Centre on this theme), the theme of the Conference is: “Public Mental Health: Mental Health of the people, by the people, for the people”. Several World Associations, including the World Psychiatric Association, World Association of Social Psychiatry, and World Federation for Mental Health, have agreed to be Co-Sponsors for this event or under process to do so soon. We have also applied for CPD/CME credits from the WPA.


Dr. Debasish Basu

Organizing Chairperson
Professor and Head
Department of Psychiatry,
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India


Attendee Types

EARLY BIRD (till Jun 30th 2023)

UP TO 30 Jun 2023


UP TO 31 Aug 2023

SPOT (1st Sep onwards)

UP TO 13 Sep 2023


UP TO 14 Sep 2023

(Delegates / Non-students)

INR 8000

INR 12000

INR 14000

INR 7000


INR 4000

INR 6000

INR 10000

INR 5000

Foreign Registration

Attendee Types

EARLY BIRD (till Jun 30th 2023)

UP TO 30 Jun 2023


UP TO 31 Aug 2023

SPOT (1st Sep onwards)

UP TO 13 Sep 2023


UP TO 14 Sep 2023

SAARC Countries (Delegates / Non-students)

USD 135

USD 185

USD 200

USD 115

Other low/middle-income countries

USD 150

USD 200

USD 400

USD 135

High-income countries

USD 200

USD 300

USD 500

USD 150


USD 75

USD 100

USD 150

USD 100

*GST Not Applicable

  • Best oral free paper presentation: first and second prize (INR 5000 and 3000, respectively).
  • Best e-poster presentation: first and second prize (INR 4000 and 2000, respectively).
  • The papers will be judged based on the content and format of presentation by two experienced judges.
  • The results will be declared at the Valedictory Function on 16th September.
  • The award money will be given away in cash or by bank transfer.
  • The copyright of the awarded papers will remain with the authors and they can publish it in any journal of their choice.
  • Registration and attendance are compulsory.

  • The decision of the judges shall be final.
  • Title: This award is titled “WPA-CC Chandigarh: vlog contest on public mental health”.
  • Context: This award is in relation to the Diamond Jubilee International Conference on Mental Health to be held in Chandigarh, India, on 14-16 September 2023, organized by the Department of Psychiatry, PGIMER, Chandigarh, which is a Collaborating Centre of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) with the mandate of working in the area of public mental health.
  • Role of WPA: This award is supported in principle, and financially, by WPA, to its Chandigarh Collaborating Centre for this conference.
  • Nature of award and remunerations: It is a Traveling Fellowship Award. There will be two winners. The first winner will get USD 300 and the second winner (“Runners-up”) will get USD 200 toward their travel and allowances. In addition, their registration fees will be waived, and reasonable accommodation will be provided for 3 nights.
    The award will be declared and presented at the inaugural ceremony. The award money will be electronically transferred (in INR only) to the bank account of the awardees after their attendance at the conference.
  • Eligibility: The contest will be open to all postgraduate degree trainees in various disciplines related to mental health (those currently pursuing MD/DM/DNB in psychiatry, MPhil in clinical psychology, MPhil in psychiatric social work and MSc in psychiatric nursing, or similar).
  • Note: The contestants will be REQUIRED to submit a valid photo ID or certificate from Head of their department as evidence of their current trainee status. Without this the entry will be disqualified.
  • Theme of the vlog contest:Public Mental Health in low- and middle-income countries: how can we make it true?
  • Procedure: The contestants will prepare a VIDEO LOG (“vlog”) of up to 3 minutes duration, in any commonly acceptable video format that can be played on a Windows system (preferably MPEG formats, WMV or MOV), and email to pgipsy2023@gmail.com (if up to 25 MB) or upload it to google drive linked with this email (if more than 25 MB). She/he will also notify the administrator by email along with attached proof of traineeship as mentioned above.
  • Guidelines: The vlog can be made using common guidelines of which many are available on YouTube, WikiHow and elsewhere. A useful resource is https://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Video-Blog
  • Judging: The valid entries will be judged by at least two independent judges in a blinded manner, on the following parameters: content (50 marks), form (25 marks) and overall impact (25 marks); total 100 marks.
  • Professional help is NOT mandatory in the making of the vlog, and professional quality parameters will NOT be a judgment criterion.
  • The last day of entry is: 15th JULY 2023.
  • Results will be declared on 14th/15th AUGUST 2023. The results will be final.
  • Disbursal: The award money will be given, in prevalent INR equivalent, to the awardees as lumpsum after the conference is attended by the awardees in person.
  • Dissemination: The two awarded entries will be uploaded on the dedicated YouTube Channel of the Department of Psychiatry, PGIMER Chandigarh (https://www.youtube.com/@pgimerpsychiatry), for viewing by all.


  • The delegate must register for Conference, attend the workshop, or submit the abstract.
  • The registration fee mentioned, includes lunches, dinner, and Delegate Kit (for conference only).
  • Delegate KIT for Spot Registrations is not guaranteed and will be provided only if available.
  • After completing the registration process and paying the registration fee successfully, the registrant will receive a system-generated registration confirmation as an email on the registered email id. 


  • Day 1

  • Day 2

  • Day 3

Abstracts Submission Guideline & Form


Department of Psychiatry, Nehru Hospital, PGIMER Chandigarh

Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India

Venue Location
