About Event

Global Dental Entrepreneurs are invited to the prestigious 42nd Andhra Pradesh State Dental Conference, hosted by the Indian Dental Association (IDA) in Andhra Pradesh at SS Convention Hall Vijayawada on October 6th to 8th, 2023.


Attendee Types


UP TO 8 Oct 2023

PCC I - A journey in to Implant Dentistry from Bygone to Beyond - Dr. Vijay Srinivas

INR 3000

PCC II - Digital work flow for dental Professionals - Dr. Padma Priya & Co

INR 2500

PCC III - Porcelain Veneers - An esthetic option in aesthetic dentistry - Dr. Ravi sankar & Co

INR 2000

PCC IV - Futuristic approach to 21st century Endodontics - Dr. Prasanth Bhasin

INR 3000

PCC V - Microscope enhanced molar Endodontics - Dr. Kranthi Raja

INR 3000

PCC VI - Introduction to Laser dentistry - Dr. Vipul Srivastava

INR 2000

PCC VII - Impression making for Implant Supported prosthesis - Dr K Mahendranadh Reddy & Co

INR 3000

PCC I- A Journey into Implant Dentistry from Bygone to Beyond

PCC II - Digital Workflow for Dental Professionals

PCC III - Porcelain Veneers - An esthetic option in aesthetic dentistry

PCC IV - Futuristic Approach to 21st-century Endodontics

PCC V - Microscope-enhanced molar Endodontics

PCC VI - Introduction to Laser dentistry

PCC VII - Impression making for Implant Supported prosthesis


  • Day 1

  • Day 2

  • Day 3


Indian Dental Association (IDA), Andhra Pradesh

Suryaraopeta, Andhra Pradesh, India

Venue Location
