About Event

Dear Colleagues On behalf of the organizing committee it gives me great pleasure to invite you all to the 33rd Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Dental Research, IADR India Division in October 2020.

India is emerging as new locii for good dental research with multiple areas of research and innovations. However, there is a need to translate the Research into usable products in the Market. During this conference, we will try to bring Dental Researchers and Scientists from various other fields as well as traders on one platform.

The conference shall provide a strong networking opportunity for Specialists from various streams of dentistry under one roof and learning from experts in the field coming from India and abroad. It will also provide a great opportunity for young researchers and clinicians to showcase their research and innovations through oral papers, posters and table clinics. In order to teach our youth about the marketing of their won research and innovation in a crisp and clear way, we have also planned a newer method of presentation called TMT or Three Minute Thesis.

This meeting will not only be important for PG students and researchers but also will have sessions for use of clinicians as they will get answers to their day-to-day clinical problems.

There will also be a list of Pre-conference courses usable for young researchers. We invite all interested colleagues to express their interest in participating and presenting their work in this grand scientific extravaganza. The venue has been short-listed as The Leela Convention Centre, New Delhi, which has become an epitome of luxury as well as a grand scientific hallmark in India in current years.

Dr. Mahesh Verma


Dr. Vijay Mathur

(Organizing Secretary)


Attendee Types

Early Bird

UP TO 31 May 2022


UP TO 30 Sep 2022


UP TO 19 Feb 2023

ISDR Member

INR 8500

INR 9000

INR 10000

Students PG/PHD

INR 7500

INR 8000

INR 9000

Students UG

INR 6000

INR 6500

INR 7000

Non Members

INR 10000

INR 11000

INR 12000

Accompanying Person (Non Dentist)

INR 6000

INR 6500

INR 7000

Foreign Registration

Attendee Types

Early Bird

UP TO 31 May 2022


UP TO 30 Sep 2022


UP TO 19 Feb 2023

International Delegates

USD 200

USD 250

USD 300

South Asian Delegates

USD 150

USD 175

USD 200

*GST Not Applicable

For more details kindly visit conference official website.


  • Day 1

  • Day 2

  • Day 3


Indian Society For Dental Research (ISDR)

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Venue Location
